Ideal for musicians but also works well for any type of audio product.
Automatically Generates Song previews.
A beautiful shopping cart
that allows your visitors to purchase individual tracks or an entire album.
Your customers will appreciate the instant download delivery of their purchases, and you will be able to relax and enjoy the secure hands-free automation.
We can add your own header and footer, and also adjust the color scheme to match your website's layout.
Easily add albums and tracks to your music store.
This program will automatically generate a secure sample for visitors to listen to.
Your MP3 files will be kept secure from unauthorized download.
Your visitors will be able to search music by album, song, artist or genre and purchase individual tracks or entire albums.
Instantly delivers the purchased product to your customer as soon as they have completed payment.
Insta-download feature negates the need for download instructions delivered via email (tho as a backup, this still happens). Your customer will be able to complete their Paypal purchase and then, upon returning to your website's store, securely and instantly download their purchased product without any log-in required.
Limit the number of downloads for each song.
The store hides the actual file location (URL) from your customer, even during download so customers will never know where your files are stored.
- Supports all PayPal currencies.
- Paypal supports all major credit cards, bank transfers, and debit payments.
- Uses Paypal IPN, but does not require the use of your IPN slot.
- Create albums and add songs to those albums.
- Tracks can be shared amongst different albums as well.
- Create coupon code discounts.
- View sales history with daily and monthly earnings statistics.
- View product earnings reports, monthly and yearly averages as well as projected earnings.
- Customer mailing list available for export.
- Create custom email templates to delivery with your music download instructions.
- Re-send downloads easily (in-case your customer loses the download information).
- This fully featured Music Store can be installed on your website for an additional $35.00/month.
- This script automatically includes slots for 100 songs or 7 Mix-CD tracks.
- Additional slots for songs or Mix-CDs can be purchased at any time. (ask for details)